Sites made on a constructor (Tilda, Wix, Nethouse and similar). No matter how hard the developers of such solutions try, search engines rank such resources poorly and their set of functionality is minimal, in conditions of high competition, promotion becomes almost impossible.
The most logical option. For those who don't have a website.
Implementation examples
Web-studio AXI has its own development of a comprehensiv accurate mobile phone number list e SEO audit, we called it SHOCK-audit. Based on many years of experience of specialists, we have been developing a general document for a long time, in which we took into account all possible tasks, recommendations and rules for website promotion.
If we complete all the work on the SHOCK audit, we get a serious result, even after the implementation of basic, but at the same time important tasks, we get this result . Cool, isn't it?
Why you shouldn't do an audit yourself?
Firstly, the area is quite specific, complex, and even if you try hard to study it, it will take a huge amount of time, and time is a valuable resource.

Secondly, the recommendations that appear after the audit are written for specific specialists, namely: programmers, copywriters, optimizers and even designers. It is necessary to understand the specifics of each person's work in order to accurately formulate the task and simplify the work of specialists in the future.
So, you shouldn't do the audit yourself, because you'll spend a lot of time studying all the nuances in SEO, you can conduct the audit incorrectly, and few people will undertake to implement it. As a result, you can get the opposite effect and leave the site with virtually no traffic.
Cost of a comprehensive SEO audit of a website
The price for a SHOCK audit starts from 30,000 rubles and is determined depending on the volume of the resource, its scale, regionality, capabilities and tasks.
A logical question: why such a price?
More than 5 professional specialists from different fields check the site according to their checklists, on the basis of which they form recommendations and tasks. The programs and services needed in the work cost about 1000 dollars per month, and the audit takes from 20 hours of pure work of specialists.
There is also a free version of the audit, but it contains only the very “tip of the iceberg”, and you should not expect global changes based on its results.
What will you get in the end?
After conducting a SHOCK audit, you will receive a list of recommendations on 30-50 pages, which describe what needs to be done to increase conversion actions, positions and organic traffic to the site from search engines. The effectiveness of previously performed work is also assessed or a promotion strategy is proposed for new sites.