In the market for email address lists we find offers that adapt to most of the needs of our campaigns, whether they are directed at end consumers or companies. However, we must ensure that they meet a series of essential requirements: 1. They are lists of people who have expressed their interest in receiving commercial information from advertisers. They have gone through a subscription process (opt-in), ideally double (they have confirmed their subscription to the list by email) and they know the purpose of the list. 2. The users have chosen their preferences from a wide range of offers, always taking into account their knowledge regarding the information that will be sent to them. Data such as sex, age, profession, etc. can be very useful for certain campaigns.
3. The list has all the processes that guarantee access and modification of the data by the users. It also has an automatic process for unsubscribing from the list (opt-out) that must be made known in each message sent to the members of the list. Ideally, the list provider periodically renews and updates the list, eliminating invalid or ineffective email accounts. Designing our promotional message The design of an advertising message directed to an email account must respect a series of basic technical african whatsapp number standards and enhance different commercial aspects. 4. It is important to know the email format that the end user can read, since, for some, messages designed using HTML language will be impossible to read due to technical constraints of their email program. 5. The weight of the message is also a technical element that we must not lose sight of. A message that is too “heavy”, speaking in terms of bytes, leads to a slow download of the message, which can lose interest. Too many images are not always an attractive element for the effectiveness of the message.
6. We must be clear and concise, presenting our offer quickly and its benefits in a way that leads to action. This action can be a visit to our website, filling out a form or whatever we consider most appropriate. Analyzing the resultsOnce the message has been sent, the most important part of learning from our campaign comes. A complete and in-depth analysis will allow us to modify those aspects that are susceptible to improvement. All analysis is based on a results report that must contain at least:7. Number of messages that have successfully reached their destination: this is the starting point and will give us a clear view of the quality of the list we have chosen. A high percentage of failed messages indicates little renewal of the list.
8. Number of users who have read our message: or at least who have opened it. This is the index that will determine the relationship between the person responsible for the list and their users. A high percentage of “open rate” indicates user confidence in the provider.9. Number of clicks obtained: if our message has links to our pages, we will be able to observe the number of recipients who visit us. In the report we will be able to obtain the total number of clicks and by link (if we want to direct the user to different pages). As a percentage, it is appropriate to measure our click rate based on the number of emails opened, although in order to measure our total effectiveness or return on investment we must compare it with the number of emails sent. Learning from our experience All elements are important, but the main thing is that we are able to learn from our experience, from the good and the bad, and that we can apply it to subsequent actions.
10. We must have a long-term vision. We should not expect great results at the beginning if we have not gone through different stages of testing and analysis. The main enemy of marketing is impatience. Let us be patient, observant and analytical and reap the fruits of our efforts in the medium to long term.
10 Tips for Email Marketing
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