CRM for Consumer and Participant management under NDIS and Aged Care
At the core of the system is CRM for NDIS Participants and Aged Care consumer management, to build profitable business relationships with their clients to ensure steady revenue generation. The advantage is that all critical functions and processes are in one central database, and it can instantly deliver personalised insights of the company’s performance tailored to each user’s need—be it CFO, controller, CEO, team leader, manager, support staff or SLA manager. Because all reports and dashboards extract data from a single, centralised data repository, the multiple versions of the truth that your employees currently obtain from disparate systems and spreadsheets are eliminated.
Consumer and Participant finland mobile code management software features:
Compliant forms for data collection
Consumer and Participant Management, Goals and Outcomes monitoring
Service Agreement Management, Incident Management, NDIA price list management, Service Catalog
Integrated price list, Roster Scheduler, Service Catalog
Dashboard Widgets, Satisfaction Surveys, Role-based permissions
Business Intelligence, Financial and Operational Reporting
Property management, Property Maintenance, Property Sundries