Analysing SEO in a specific way is crucial because it is in the small details that the difference can be found. To do this, Javier showed us an example of the well-known brand Zalando.
Zalando's SEO visibility had grown significantly over the past few years. However, the index from Search Console and Analytics spoke of its overall visibility, as an average of all its landing pages.
And we shouldn't settle for that average. Overall visibility was not mobile database collection uae good as it could be due to the improvable visibility of each landing page.
Javier explains how Zalando, which was generally doing well with its global visibility, was not doing well in the “men’s sneakers” category.
It was necessary to go in, analyse and take measures to improve its positioning so that all areas grew equally. That is why analysing specifically is a good way to improve your results.
How to manage external links
Link building is a way of getting links that SEOs often use. Precisely for this reason, it is important that we take it into account in our SEO strategy.
Link building consists of linking your pages to other addresses or URLs. Both internally, that is, within your website to improve the permanence and connection with your audience; and externally, that is, to other pages, to transfer authority and refer quality content that improves the user experience.
However, links can also come naturally, due to the quality of the content itself.
Precisely for this reason, the SEO expert stresses how important it is to analyse and improve our links by detecting the reason that makes them interesting. And, to better explain this point, he gives the example of another client he works with.