30 years of what, from whom, for what? Genís argues that for society to become digital, fully adopt 2.0 tools and obtain associated benefits, 30 years will pass , after which we will be able to see results. And not only that, but during this period, those of us who are in professional contact with Web 2.0 will have to continue working as we have until now, so that 30 years do not become more.
This, his theory of change towards new technologies, was rich people number data the “provocation-question” launched by a close and fluid Genís Roca last week, within the framework of the Crosstalent event , an event organized in Barcelona.
Genís indicated two indices that should help measure the evolution of society regarding the adoption of new technologies :
– Digitalization rate: Depending on the size and economic sector, companies digitize their products and services in greater quantities or at a greater speed. At some point, the digitalization rate reaches a limit and precipitates a change in society.
– Increase in the “freakability” Index : translated as how digital a proposal for change or adoption of 2.0 tools can result in non-digital companies.
Both, accompanied by generational assimilation and continuous work by those of us related to Web 2.0, converge in that about 30 years must pass to achieve change at the societal level.
I must admit that at first the three decades sounded like an exaggeration to me . But within the group I was part of (with Ignasi , Patricia , David and Alex), we agreed quite a bit and came to the conclusion that the change could take place in a period of about 20 to 30 years. The neither-nor generation (neither studying nor working), the lack of laws that promote the adoption of technological improvements, the political-administrative-social bureaucracy, the inability to transfer the use of Web 2.0 as tools that favor the development of companies by demonstrating benefits, and the natural rejection of change, among others, are variables that we consider would “delay” the arrival, adoption, and functioning of society under the “two-point-zero” structure: collaboration, independence, transparency, closeness… Variables such as improved technology (present or new development), implementation of laws that promote development and more entrepreneurs launching into the adventure of the 21st century. 21st century (as well as those in search of gold in the 19th century, those who dreamed of “making it in America”, or the illusion of every entrepreneur to build profitable businesses), can help reduce the estimated time.
Some groups concluded with 10 and others with 40, but most of us stayed at the 30 years proposed (5 + -), when initially, I insist, it had seemed like an exaggerated figure
Genís Roca's 30 years in Crosstalent
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