If I'm already on your newsletter, don't show me

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If I'm already on your newsletter, don't show me

Post by bhasan01854 »

Now you might know that in Google Analytics there is a dimension called referrer path, but it isn't necessarily useful. The full referrer path is something that's available in the browser a lot of the time, but it isn't something that is captured by default in Google Analytics. By capturing that full referrer path, you can get a little bit more information about exactly where people are coming from. I find that that is also really helpful information because it can help you sort of segment out a little bit better and say it isn't just people from say Reddit who are coming to the site.

It's people coming from Reddit from this specific subreddit, and those are the people buying our stuff. That is additional information that you didn't necessarily have available to you. So that, I call it the "complete referrer," is a nice custom denmark phone number database dimension to add into your Google Analytics implementation to just get that little bit more information to help you make better decisions and figure out ways to improve. 3. Use a ?subscriber=yes parameter Then the third thing, this is like a personal pet peeve of mine.

a giant pop-up asking me to sign up for your newsletter when I click a link in your newsletter to get to your website. People think, "Well, I don't know how to do this." So here's how you do it. You can add a parameter to your URLs. It's like ?subscriber=yes, for example. Then when you deliver that popover CTA, don't deliver it if that parameter exists in the URL that the person is viewing.
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