It's easy to sit back and feel frustrated when another business ranks better than yours. There are a few reasons why many small businesses don't rank as high on Google.
Specialized resources and knowledge
The first reason why small businesses struggle to appear in a search result is a lack of resources and specialist knowledge. It should not be forgotten that small business owners and workers have to use a wide range of skills and carry out multiple tasks in their daily jobs. This means that many small businesses often lack dedicated marketing resources or people who have developed the skills necessary to successfully rank a website on Google.
Another key fact that small businesses face is that their marketing budgets are often small, even when compared to their profits.
If there are no financial resources available to hire a full-time in-house marketing team, specialist or vietnam phone number sample agency to handle the business's SEO, it will be more difficult to do well in local directories and search results.
The other major problem small businesses face and the reason their SEO is often neglected is time. Even when small business owners know there are things they can do themselves to see their websites rank higher on Google, lack of time often gets in the way.
If you can make room for a good small business SEO strategy, there are plenty of resources available to help you increase your web visibility.
SEO tips for small businesses to get your website ranked
If you're going to work on SEO for your business, there are numerous ways to help your website rank. Here are 10 SEO tips for small businesses focused solely on the things you can do to get started.
Please note: While these tips are relevant to other types of businesses, they are intended primarily for small websites looking to promote their brick-and-mortar businesses.
1. Set up Google Analytics and Search Console
2. Familiarize yourself with keyword research
3. Take a look at your competitors in search engines
4. Plan the structure of your site and its pages
5. Find and fix basic SEO issues
6. Create content that is attractive to your customers
7. Optimize Page Titles, Meta Descriptions, and Heading and Title Tags
8. Create online listings relevant to your business
9. Ask your suppliers and trade associations to link to your website
10. Sign up for Google My Business