Being a mentor, in simple words, means being like an “external director” for the entrepreneur.
Being a mentor is accompanying. The accompaniment you should do is first of all talking to him and getting him to tell you what is bothering him.
Help him to identify the “stumbling blocks” that are preventing the proper australia business email list functioning or growth of his business. Your job will then be to accompany him, advise him and push him to achieve the changes he proposes
to improve his performance.
Being a mentor is about keeping your feet firmly on the ground. It is very important that growth is gradual. Don't set goals that are too high, because they are more difficult to achieve and it demotivates everyone. It doesn't matter if they are small or big achievements, the important thing is that you move forward, that you go up a step and that both of you feel proud of it.
A good mentor leaves a lasting mark. We want you to instill skills in the entrepreneur. We ask you to have a long-term view. After four months, you will no longer be there formally (you may still be talking, but the formal relationship will not continue), so consider that he will have to continue on his own. If you achieve this, you have fulfilled your role. The most important and significant thing is that the entrepreneur has truly learned.
And after his mentoring he can say what an entrepreneur told us at the end of his: “more than an entrepreneur, now I feel like a businessman.”
Don't forget that you can participate in our Mentoring Program .