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What collection methods are prohibited in Peru?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:31 am
by bitheerani319
In your eagerness to obtain the money that your clients owe you, you could make the mistake of falling into what Law No. 29571 or the Consumer Protection and Defense Code has called abusive collection methods . These are methods prohibited by the collection law and whose application could cause your company to become liable for large fines, among other sanctions; not to mention the damage that it could cause to the reputation and image of your business.

In this post we tell you which collection methods are prohibited in Peru and how you can avoid making these mistakes when collecting.

What will you find in this text?

1. Sending collection documents that appear to have judicial character

2. Communicate with third parties unrelated to the debt

3. Making visits or calls at prohibited times

4. Posting signs or notices exposing the consumer's debt

5. Send people with costumes and signs to charge the consumer

6. Spreading the debt without a court order allowing it

7. Send debt notifications to a third party's address

How can technology help prevent abusive debt collection methods?

1. Sending collection documents that appear to have judicial character
This method is often used by some companies or individuals to intimidate the wallet, which may think that legal action will be taken if the payment is not normalized.

2. Communicate with third parties unrelated to the debt
It is also considered an abusive method because doing so violates the buy uk mailing list privacy and reputation. In this regard, companies should not make calls to the consumer's family, friends or colleagues to inform them of their late payment.

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3. Making visits or calls at prohibited times
There is a schedule set out in the Consumer Protection and Defense Code that companies with accounts receivable must respect to avoid engaging in prohibited collection practices.

According to the regulations of said code, it is prohibited to make calls or collection visits on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, as well as at night, specifically between 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. This restriction seeks to protect the consumer's peace of mind and privacy, avoiding harassment at inopportune times.

4. Posting signs or notices exposing the consumer's debt
Unless the consumer has given permission, companies may not place signs or any other type of advertisement exposing the customer's debt, whether in public or private places. This prevents the consumer's privacy from being invaded and confidential information from being exposed.