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The use of email marketing is growing within the strategy of companies

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:18 am
by RafiRiFat336205
Email Marketing actions are experiencing a process of gradual regularization and growth, showing their clear utility within a global strategy and marking the distances with respect to certain bad press that came to constitute a threat to the continuity of this type of practices. The emails that are sent in loyalty Marketing actions, by companies to their users, present a return on investment of 0.65 € for each of the messages sent, according to a sector study presented by the company Experian CheetahMail.

This report studies different indicators in Marketing campaigns through emails sent to clients and users who have authorized the reception of the aforementioned commercial emails. In contrast to other variants of Online Marketing such as Search Engine Marketing or Printed Advertising, Email Marketing is based on loyalty, retaining a consumer and keeping their attention on a specific brand.

The aforementioned research also confirms the encouraging ai whatsapp number south africa free situation that the loyalty Email Marketing sector is going through , with unsubscribe rates below 0.2%. As is well known, the law makes it mandatory to include in the commercial message a simple and free procedure to unsubscribe from the database. Thus, almost 99% of the recipients of loyalty emails during 2007 continue to receive the same commercial emails.

The rates of email opening and click are the two most important and significant indicators of Email Marketing . Both maintain the downward trend registered in recent years, motivated by the maturity of the channel and the increase in the size of the databases. While the rate of email opening falls from 30% to 20%, the number of emails sent has grown from 3,000 to 9,000 million in the last year. The Experian CheetahMail study is based on data from loyalty actions in the old continent market.

In total, 200 of the company's client companies participated in the preparation of this report, which analysed 1 billion emails sent in 10,000 campaigns corresponding to 2007.