Gamification for m-learning

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Gamification for m-learning

Post by nishat695 »

Mobile technologies can be used as powerful cognitive tools to help solve complex problems and engage students in meaningful activities. Educational gamification uses game-like rule systems, player experiences and cultural roles to shape learners’ behaviour. In previous studies, researchers have found that many children used a trial-and-error strategy to play games. For this reason, gamifying a course would be a great help to primary students. Educators can take advantage of the motivational power of games and apply it to the problems in education so successful learning can take place.

Mobile game-based learning system
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Gamification study to support a gamified learning approach
The Taiwanese academics wrote about a study that looked at the scope of game-play in a learning situation by adopting gamified learning strategies and combining game elements with well-designed mobile learning activities. The goal of the study was to determine whether mobile technologies could support a gamified learning approach, and whether or not learning strategies influenced the students’ achievements in a natural science course. The researchers implemented the academics’ solution proposal, called Mobile Insect Learning System (MILS). A series of learning activities geared towards integrating the game elements into course design was developed for the outdoor learning environment.

The researchers designed an experiment in which students carried out the well-designed gamified learning activities in a mobile learning environment. The researchers had two major hypotheses:

The demographic variables will affect the learning achievement positively.
The students who receive different interventions show a significant difference in individual learning achievement in an outdoor learning environment positively.
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