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Empathetic Marketing: Marketing with meaning

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:47 am
by RafiRiFat336205
If we ask ourselves what our client is like, we will find the answer in the machines, but we will inertia by neglecting to understand the client from the deepest part of their psyche, to understand their emotions or the thoughts that our brand produces in them.

Although we can guess or assume that it is difficult to decipher through a model or a machine what a customer feels when making a purchase. It is easy to predict that moment, but generating empathy or all india whatsapp number a storytelling that gives emotion or feeling to the purchase is vital. In fact, we can see this trend in the brand with purpose. Brands with purpose would be a bit of a synthesis of this trend that prevails in the face of the coldness of machine prediction. The user already senses the work of the algorithms behind each impact they receive. And although they are not aware of this study, in an intangible way a certain coldness is perceived behind an advertisement, impact or landing page.

That is why, in addition to other factors, the fact that a brand has a purpose undoubtedly awakens feelings. This does not imply that every brand has to have a purpose, but it is a clear example of how a brand can awaken feelings in its customer.

The fusion of models as a challenge
This brings us to a point where "new marketing" and more conventional marketing work together to achieve a common goal. The user knows perfectly well how the rules of the game work, at least on the Internet, but this can be countered with a purpose, an emotional message, truthful storytelling or creativity that excites. The difficulty is how to unite machine and human to build organic models of consumption habits and analyze the emotions that strategies and actions awaken in our clients. The vital purpose of this synergy is to generate links with our clients that go beyond sales.

Perhaps in the very near future a machine will generate empirical and emotionally charged messages and strategies. However, for now the challenge is to take into account the new metrics while putting ourselves in the shoes of our clients and trying to feel what they perceive.