What font should I use on my website?

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What font should I use on my website?

Post by mostakimvip06 »

Does the type of font used on a website matter?
The choice of font for a website is of HUGE importance. First, the font is an important element of the aesthetics of the site and its usability (UX). Second, the font should be chosen in such a way as to make it easier for visitors to read the content. If a user struggles to read the texts contained on the site, they will quickly leave it.

Basically, a website is mostly text (and graphics), and the text is written in a specific font. If this font is bad, too weird, too childish, too big, too small, it will have a significant impact on the visual reception of the website. In short, if you don't put in the effort and choose a font carelessly and haphazardly, it can have a negative impact on the appearance of the website, the readability of the content, and the experience of visitors to the website.

Is sans serif still the king?
Until now, the guidelines related to "internet typography" were quite obvious and their foundation was one very important rule:

Use sans serif fonts on your site, stupid!

Sans serif fonts are also called sans serif fonts. The difference between a serif and a sans serif font can be seen in the example below.

Sans serif font (Arial)
Serif font (Lora)
As you can see, sans serif fonts do not have tails or decorative ends.

Why this guideline? For a very prosaic reason:

Texts written in sans serif fonts were (and still are!) easier for Internet users to read.

Our computer screens used to be too poor to properly render serifs. Low-resolution monitors caused blurring of letter shapes (jagged serifs on the screen made reading difficult).

In 1996, the resolution on screens was 640 x 480 and the pixel density per inch was 60 PPI. It is no wonder that serif fonts on these types of screens looked extremely… blurry.

In 1996, Microsoft created a font that was one of the first designed specifically for all contact number list with name computer screens. This font significantly improved the readability of online texts. And what was it called? Verdana. Yes, yes… You know it well.

My name is Verdana.
Verdana has since become one of the most popular fonts used in web design.

You have no idea how many pages written in Verdana you have read so far!

However, the time of dominance of sans serif fonts is over. As technology develops, the approach to fonts placed on websites is also changing. Technology is moving forward. Today, when screens with a pixel density of 220 PPI have already appeared on the market (Apple, MacBook Pro resolution of 2880 × 1800 on a 15-inch display), font reproduction on computer screens is getting better and better. And on smartphones? The pixel density is completely out of this world! For example, the 6.15-inch Full HD+ screen of the Huawei P30 lite smartphone has a pixel density of 415 ppi, and the slightly larger, 6.4-inch Full HD+ screen of the Samsung Galaxy A50 has 403 ppi.

It is true that the vast majority of well-made websites still use only sans-serif fonts, but the development of technology and better quality of monitors have long allowed the use of serif fonts.

What font should I use on my website?
Serif fonts may eventually take over the Internet, but we'll still be using sans serif fonts on websites for a long time to come. For a simple reason: most computer users still have 96 ppi monitors.
Sans serif fonts reign supreme on www pages. Internet users are used to them. They will happily read information on your site, as long as you write it in the right font. What font? Safe.

What is a "web safe font"?
In simple terms, this term is used to describe a font that is commonly installed on all devices- smartphones, tablets, computers. This means that if you use it on your website, you are assured that your website will display the same on most devices. Another advantage of using a safe font is that it increases the loading speed of your website. This will ultimately affect your SEO as the loading speed of your website is one of the factors that is considered when determining the ranking of your pages in SERPs.

On the right is a set of fonts that I usually use. The vast majority are Google Fonts. Some of them are great as headline fonts, others are popular body fonts .

How to choose the right font combination?
There is rarely just one font on a website. Usually, two fonts are used, for example for headings and for the rest of the content. Personally, I hate choosing a second font, it is a pain in the ass for me. I was really relieved to learn that I no longer have to do it "by eye". How?

1. First, the Google Fonts site itself suggests fonts that match the font you've chosen. Just scroll down a bit and you'll see a block.

Suggested Fonts for Roboto Font on Google Fonts
2. You can also use the website https://fontpair.co/ , which shows pairs of fonts that go well together and look good. Such pairs for better or for worse.

Choosing a font for a website is not only an important step in designing a website, but in a sense, an element of creating your own image. It is worth spending some time and choosing a font that will present you well on the web.
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