Fitness & Weight Loss: Walk into any bookstore on January 1st and you’ll see just how popular these topics are. Many people are looking to get fit and/or lose weight, and blogs that help with these topics can get a lot of traffic. There are plenty of ways to monetize in this popular niche through online fitness classes, downloadable diet plans, recipe books, and much more.
Finances: We all need money to survive—and most of us want more than we currently have. Financial blogs help people get out of debt, start investing, earn more, and plan for retirement. Again, there’s lots of potential here to monetize in this highly profitable niche, perhaps through a budgeting app, online course, or membership program.
Dating & Relationships: Another area that’s applicable to pretty much everyone, dating & relationships content helps people find a partner and build a strong, happy relationship with them. Whether you’re giving out dating advice for young people or tips for staying happily married after 30 years, there’ll be plenty of people ready to read your blog content in these various sub-niches.
Pets: Pets are a big business, with the pet care market worth $280 billion and counting. If you love dogs, cats, or other pets, your blog could bring in lots of fellow pet owners—who want to spend money caring for their pets. Affiliate marketing, through product reviews, can be a great source of revenue for pet blogs in this profitable niche.
Gadgets & Tech: Most people use technology on a daily basis. From mobile phones to laptops, smart devices, and beyond, we’re all looking for new gadgets that can make our life easier. If you can keep on top of news about product releases or share insightful reviews of popular gadgets, that can be a fantastic way to make money blogging in this profitable niche topic area.
Perhaps one of these niches already sound perfect to you, and you’ve got an idea for a unique angle or sub-niche to focus your blog around. If you’re still looking for inspiration, here’s my ultimate list of blogging niches.
The Ultimate List of Niches: 10 Broad Niches and 80+ Sub-Niches to Consider
For the sake of easily finding a profitable niche you’re interested in, I’ve organized this list of niches to start with broader topic headings for evergreen niches that track to a greater theme—with more specific sub-niches & blog examples listed in each section. Let’s dive in!
Finance Niche Ideas & Examples
List of Niches (Finance Niche Ideas) Profitable Niche Example
Finance is a big, broad niche that could make for a very profitable blog. There are a lot of existing financial blogs out there (along with advice from lots of big banks and other financial institutions) so you’ll want to figure out a way to differentiate yours, maybe through choosing one of the specific sub-niches below.
1. Personal Finance
The personal finance niche is a fairly broad one, covering topics like budgeting, choosing a bank account, setting financial goals, and more. It’s a great fit if you’re someone who has a strong interest in money and managing it. You don’t need any special qualifications. Some personal finance blogs simply share advice: others are more personal, sharing the blogger’s journey (e.g. out of debt or saving for early retirement). My favorite personal finance blog is Mr. Money Mustache.
2. Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have soared in popularity over the past few years—and they don’t look like going away any time soon. If you’re interested in investing in cryptocurrencies or NFTs, or you’re fascinated by the blockchain technology underlying them, then you might want to start a blog about crypto. Your articles could cover questions about how to make NFTs or how to advertise NFTs more effectively. My top cryptocurrency blog to check out is Changelly.
Fitness & Weight Loss: Walk into any bookstore on
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