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Other Amazon initiatives with influencers

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 4:05 am
by Dimaeiya323
In addition to the Amazon Influencers program, the platform has other initiatives related to this profile that is so interesting for brands . Do you want to know them? They can complement your strategy and help you improve results.

The Drop
This is a section that can be accessed from the Amazon menu and where you will find clothing designed by different influencers from around the world.

Sustainability (production on demand) and exclusivity (there are only 30 hours to place orders) characterise this initiative, which moves away from the immediacy that characterises the retail platform to adopt a more conscious approach. This is also evident in the shipping times, which begin at the end of the campaign and are usually around 10 days.

the drop

Prime Day
This is an event organized by Amazon that combines shopping with entertainment (such as live concerts). This event, which has been taking place for approximately 5 years, has different influencers and YouTubers who are in charge of promoting it through their networks.

The advantage for the brand is being able to reach the user at the right time and in the right context; for the buyer, enjoying a very wide selection of visual entertainment combined with a kind of teleshopping where influencers act as hosts.

Is it time for me to join the Amazon Influencer Program?
If you've reached this point, it's because you're looking for new ways to expand your content offering and monetize your online interventions. This means that now is a good time to try your luck on this platform.

Now that you've made up your mind, the first step is to get your social media up and running and request verification from Amazon. If your profile matches the requirements they impose and you are chosen, you'll soon experience the benefits that this decision can bring you as an influencer and as a brand, seeing how you reach new audience segments while gaining credibility and prestige. Good luck!

New call to action

Originally published on January 18, 2022.

Reviewed and validated by Susana Meijomil, Inbound Content Manager at InboundCycle.

Celia Perez
Celia Perez
Account Executive at InboundCycle, she works managing and executing inbound projects for cio and cto email lists of each project. Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the UPF in Barcelona and specializing in Advertising Communication Strategies.

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