March 2019 Updates

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March 2019 Updates

Post by sourovk291 »

What do the March 2019 updates include? Exciting innovations, improvements and developments, including the launch of ActiveTrail’s e-commerce tool, several updates to our SMS software and its reports, the integration of a wide variety of fonts and templates and a new, comfortable and easy-to-use image editor that will greatly facilitate the editing and design of your images.

So, let's begin….

Dozens of professional, responsive templates, hot off the press
We've updated our gallery! You can now choose from a dozen new templates in the system, designed to your needs and containing a variety of marketing messages, including:

Templates suitable for events and conferences
Models suitable for holidays and special occasions
Templates suitable for editorial content
Sales and Marketing Related Templates
This wide range of templates will save you valuable time, previously spent on designing france telegram data and editing your content! All you have to do is choose the template that best suits your email or newsletter, add your content and adapt it to your language and branding (colors, fonts and images) – and voila, all you have to do is send it.

Learn more about our new models >>

New ActiveTrail Templates

2. Improvements and updates (especially on email design)
2.1. A brand new image editor

Filters, frames, stickers, size and volume changes, the ability to add text, shapes and much more. Our new advanced image editor allows you to make changes, big and small, to any image you include in your campaign.

New ActiveTrail Image Editor

2.2. A variety of new fonts that are sure to make an impression

We've added new fonts to our signup forms and landing pages, which you can also use for your email campaigns, as they're a great opportunity to align your brand language with the content you're delivering.

New ActiveTrail Fonts

3. An innovative new tool to take your contact list management to the next level
Managing multiple mailing lists simultaneously has never been easier!

Do you manage multiple mailing lists? Now you can allow your subscribers to sign up and add themselves to more than one list – depending on their interests. You can also allow your subscribers to remove themselves from the subscription list of their choice.

With this feature, you will be able to strengthen your relationships with your subscribers, in a meaningful way. Personalization based on content will allow subscribers to understand that your brand values ​​them as individuals and wants to invest in more targeted content that meets their individual needs.

From the moment each subscriber selects the mailing lists to which they wish to belong, the emails you send take on more value. Why? Because your subscribers feel like they are being contacted personally and directly because you are responding to specific needs for which they have subscribed. This logically leads to an increase in the opening rate of your emails and also increases email engagement.

During the design phase of your campaign, select the “Button” content block:

Bloc Bouton ActiveTrail

When editing the link, be sure to select "System Page" and then "Edit Mailing List Subscription":

Editing ActiveTrail Mailing Lists

When a subscriber receives an email and opens the link, a form appears and they can choose what content they want to receive from you – and what content they'd rather not receive.

The mailing list management tool is a significant advantage for businesses that want to comply with GDPR in the most accurate and efficient way possible.

4. New! ActiveTrail for E-commerce
Do you run an online store? You can now easily integrate ActiveTrail with your online store on Magento, Shopify, or PrestaShop. Active Commerce allows you to automatically send the essential e-commerce emails and SMS campaigns, including cart abandonment emails, order tracking emails, or reminders for inactive customers, known as "dormant customers".

Ultimately, our platform will grow your online sales exponentially.

The integration between ActiveTrail and E-commerce will allow you to better measure your campaign parameters, use the data collected on subscribers and optimize your campaigns to increase the opening and conversion rates of your emails.

Learn more about ActiveTrail for E-commerce >>

E-commerce ActiveTrail

5. All SMS system updates you need to know:
5.1 Automatic verification of phone numbers by SMS

SMS software now verifies phone numbers and identifies fake or wrong numbers. This allows you to identify and get rid of invalid numbers, while only sending SMS campaigns to genuine subscribers.

Have you sent an SMS to a number that doesn't actually exist? The identification feature will automatically filter out subscribers with invalid numbers and exclude them when sending your next campaign.

This way you will save sending SMS messages that will never reach their intended destination, and you will be able to create and track a report on this irregular activity.

This feature therefore helps improve the accuracy of your SMS deployment, in addition to reducing your SMS plan budget, because unnecessary messages will not be sent to subscribers whose numbers are invalid.

Read the full guide on how to create an SMS campaign with ActiveTrail >>

5.2 Extended Character Limit

The character limit on SMS campaigns has been doubled and is currently set at 1005 characters per SMS. This makes SMS a reliable method for sending long operational messages, forms or contracts.

Please note that payment is always calculated per credit, depending on the SMS package you purchased.

6. Other parameters to be measured
Finally, when you look at your signup form report, you’ll be able to see exactly how many people were exposed to the form. This option will allow you to compare impressions to conversion rate and learn how to optimize your signup forms, if necessary.
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