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Add Color to Your Emails: How to Revive Your Emails with the Best Email Marketing Techniques

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 10:16 am
by sourovk291
Do you have that annoying feeling that your emails tend to be repetitive?

Are you starting to get bored reading them? Then it’s high time to spice up your emails to liven things up!

Email Marketing is growing rapidly and the technological advancement in this field is not far behind which makes the emails reaching our inboxes become much more interesting, exciting and interactive.

Email Marketing comes in new forms and these come with endless possibilities to transform your email into much more than just an email. This new deal is mainly there to ensure strong engagement among your recipients and strengthen love for your brand.

To make sure you don't get lost in statistics, random ideas, and content from five years ago, we wanted to gather some tips and tricks (and examples) to help you spice up your emails a little, but more importantly, to expand your community and strengthen the connection you have with your customers.

Interactive questionnaires
One way to create engagement among your recipients is to involve them in the germany telegram creation of your content by asking them questions about their preferences and interests.

Have you ever heard of Yoni Bloch's interactive music video for a Bob Dylan song?

His company is proud of the fact that they have achieved an engagement rate of between 70 and 90%! This incredible rate is partly due to the fact that what the audience wants to see is a direct consequence of their own choice. This new form of content choice is not only extremely enjoyable, it also creates a completely different user experience than the usual View/Play/Read/Buy that we see everywhere and to answer your question: yes, this strategy can even be used in Email Marketing.

Interactive content emailing can be done in all sorts of different ways, each as creative as the other. One of the many ways is to use our survey system , which can be used in several possible ways:

For example, if you are the proud owner of an online store (while also being the owner of its offline counterpart) you can send your customers surveys about your products. Depending on the answers you get, you can decide how to “market” your products, give a promo code to the kind respondents and/or later make the results of this famous survey known.

If you have a content platform, you can send surveys related to the topics you write about. Later, you will be able to use the data you have collected on user preferences to improve your content and offer quality content to your users. This is what Ticketmaster did.

Ticketmaster is an international company that sells and books tickets for concerts, shows, sporting events, etc. During the last MTV Awards, Ticketmaster made a marketing stunt that was a huge success and was entirely based on email.

A few days before the show, Ticketmaster sent out an email with a survey to their subscribers who had recently purchased a ticket to a show by one of the MTA Awards nominated artists, or subscribers who had chosen their favorite artist on the Ticketmaster website. In the survey, Ticketmaster asked who they thought would win in the categories of Best Music Video of the Year (Female), Best Music Video of the Year (Male), Best Rock Video, and what would be the best video of the year. After voting, each voter was taken to a page with the results of all the votes.

This email from Ticketmaster broke all their previous open rate records and exceeded their usual open rate average of 182% with 0 unsubscribes. 80% of people who voted once (each time the vote was for a different category) and reached the results page, returned to vote a second time.