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Apart from fast load times, the best website builders

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:21 am
by zihadhosenjm90
Apart from fast load times, the best website builders also have high uptime (meaning that your website consistently stays visible on the Internet)—as close to 100% uptime as possible.

Mobile Responsive
Today, about half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices, and it’s albania phone number database increasing—making it crucial to choose a website builder that offers a foundational layout that’s mobile responsive (automatically adjusts the layout of your website for different screen sizes).

How to Choose a Website Builder Ryan Robinson Blog Theme Screenshot Mobile Responsive

Increasingly, your website must display as well on mobile devices—as it does on desktop and tablet devices. Don’t worry much about this one though, as my list of website builders for bloggers here only includes website builders that are mobile responsive. Those that aren’t mobile responsive shouldn’t even be a consideration today.

Now without further delay, let’s dive into my picks for the best website builders!

12 Best Website Builders for Bloggers and Business Owners (Easy to Use) in 2024
Picking the right website builder for your blog (even from a list like this) can feel like a daunting task given all of the different options out there.

Having been in the blogging world myself for nearly a decade, I’ve had the opportunity to test each of these first hand though. And for 90% of new website owners, the best option is going to be #1 here on this list.

Now, let’s get you to the best website builder for your needs.

1., not to be confused with (we’ll take a look at the .com version later), is hands down the most popular website builder for bloggers.

Best for: Anyone who wants to start a blog on a budget—or otherwise make a website that has the potential to generate income online. Self-hosted WordPress as a website builder is not only the most affordable way to create a beautiful site but will also give you the highest level of customizability, lowest overall costs, the most search engine-friendly (SEO) foundation, and an easy-to-use building experience.

In fact, the (free) .org version of WordPress powers more than 34% of the internet—making it the website builder of choice for everyone from bloggers to small business owners, media companies, publishers, and more. It’s also the website builder I use to power my blog right here.