How Agencies Can 10X Client Content for More Awareness

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How Agencies Can 10X Client Content for More Awareness

Post by taslimakhatun119 »

Do you find yourself spending a lot of time creating content deliverables for clients? Looking for a smarter way to repurpose and amplify content?

In this article, you’ll discover how to 10x the content your clients already have for more awareness, engagement, and growth.

How Agencies Can 10X Client Content for More Awareness by Social Media Examiner
This article was co-created by Lauren Teague, Brooke Sellas, and Lisa D. Jenkins. For more about Lauren, scroll to Other Notes From This Episode at the end of this article.
Why Amplifying Client Content Is Important for Marketers
Having a content marketing strategy is essential for businesses today, but consistently creating high-quality, engaging content can be a significant challenge.

We live in an age of constant content creation. Social media strategist laos telegram Lauren Teague points out that most businesses have “a decade’s worth of content” stored on devices and in archives from past marketing efforts.

The dilemma is that while we’re continually generating content, we often fail to capitalize on each piece fully. Instead of planned amplification, we end up stuck on a “treadmill,” churning out more and more content just to keep up.

Lauren argues that we need to change our mindset around content. Rather than viewing pieces as single-use, we should see them as valuable assets we can repurpose in numerous ways over time. The key is to be strategic and intentional about getting more “juice from the squeeze.” If done right, a solid piece of content should generate value for years, not just a week.

Lauren provides a framework for exponentially amplifying your existing content to maximize its impact and value.

How to Repurpose and Amplify Client Content for More Awareness and Engagement
How do we amplify content? Taking notes from customer experience strategist Jay Baer and her time spent at digital marketing consultancy Convince & Convert, Lauren recommends a process of “atomization” where you break a piece of content down into smaller elements that you can then repackage.

For example, take a comprehensive research report. Instead of just tweeting the report link or adding it to your website, brainstorm all the possible ways to divide it into smaller content formats.

Some ideas include:

Social media graphics with key stats
Short video summaries
Blog post series based on main sections
Infographics around major findings
Email newsletter nuggets
Presentation decks
Podcast interview snippets
Quotes for sharing
Lauren suggests gathering your team for a quick brainstorming session where everyone tosses out repurposing concepts. If you end up with more than 30 ideas, you’ve likely tapped into the full potential. The key is matching formats to social media channels and audiences. For example, determine how an infographic looks on Instagram as a post vs a Reel. How does this live in your email? How does this live on a podcast?

#1: Systematize Your Content: A Framework for Repurposing and Amplifying Content
To systematize your content amplification, Lauren utilizes a unique framework centered on four key elements:

Content Pillars: Connect content to overarching topics and themes your brand focuses on. This allows you to identify areas where a piece may have additional applications.
Audience Stages: Map content to target audience mindsets across your sales funnel. For example, how could a report be formatted differently for prospects who are new to your company vs longtime customers? Different groups will have unique needs.
Angles: Determine the core narratives or angles you want to highlight and feature. For a report, these could be major conclusions, actionable recommendations, surprising revelations, etc. Covering multiple angles allows you to generate more variants of the content.
Formats: Finally, consider what formats will work best based on social media platforms, use cases, and audience preferences. Would your content resonate more as a LinkedIn article, Instagram carousel, or email newsletter? Align formats to your audience’s consumption habits.
Here’s an example: Say your cornerstone content is a report. First, start with your core content pillars. If the report applies to 2 pillars, that's a great starting point. Next, look at tailoring parts of the report to two potential audiences or buyer journey stages per pillar, such as prospects vs existing customers.

If you have 5 key report takeaways and 2 target audiences, you have 10 angles. Cover each angle for each audience in 2 formats, like a historical comparison and a demonstrative example, and you have 20 ways to repackage the content.
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