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Patient-centeredness and person-centeredness: a constitutional principle

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 5:11 am
by nurmohammadkhan
In our country, the centrality of the patient is a direct consequence of the application to the medical and healthcare field of the principle of the centrality of the person present in the Italian Constitution and finds expression in a series of fundamental rights :

Freedom to choose a doctor and place of treatment. The freedom of choice recognized to citizens concerns both public institutions and private institutions that provide highly specialized services, "with an indication of the high-tech equipment provided as well as the rates charged for the most significant services".
Information rights and participation rights. In order to ensure the constant afghanistan whatsapp resource adaptation of healthcare facilities and services to the needs of citizens, the Minister of Health has defined the contents and methods of use of the quality indicators of healthcare services and services in relation to the personalization and humanization of assistance and the right to information . In order to facilitate the orientation of citizens, all the providers involved must provide for the activation of an effective information system on the services provided , on the rates , on the methods of access to the services .
Opposition rights. Article 14 of Legislative Decree 502 of 12/30/1992 provides that, upon request of the assisted persons, the necessary measures are adopted to remove the inefficiencies that affect the quality of assistance.
Informed consent and the right to confidentiality. The patient has the right to be informed about the precise type of treatment, how it is performed, and any related risks. Furthermore, the right to confidentiality in relation to health data is guaranteed by subjecting the interested party to the processing by third parties of personal data relating to his or her state of health, to the consent of the interested party.
Beyond the indecision on the attribution of the different shades of meaning to the expression " patient centrality ", we can note how there are some recurring elements: the need for correct and transparent information ; ease of access to services ; the right to safe and respectful treatment of data ; the possibility of choosing the supplier and type of care in full freedom and conscience. If on the one hand the concept of patient centrality implies a greater awareness of the patient himself , on the other it provides for those who work in the Healthcare sector a greater responsibility with respect to their own practices and objectives.

Digital transformation plays a leading role in affirming the centrality of the patient , both because it creates the conditions for the development of virtuous business models and because it allows us to address and overcome some obstacles that risk weakening change.