With companies relying less on third-party cookies on Google, email is more important than ever. As a first-party data channel (i.e., information collected straight from customers), companies will become more email marketing lists australia S reliant on email to communicate and convert.
As a way to connect with your prospects and customers it’s an invaluable channel, so take some time to clean up your databases, tweak your email marketing strategy, and drive subscribers.
Social media marketing is an essential part of any modern marketer’s toolkit. It offers exciting and effective ways to connect with customers through various forms of content.
While there were once a limited number of social channels, the networks on offer are growing and attract new users every day. This offers great opportunities for marketers: just think about how people use TikTok as a search engine or the live stream features on WeChat.

It’s a bit of a playground when it comes to social media marketing, so do your research and choose your channels wisely.
It’s not about being on every channel, but about being on the right ones for your brand and audience. It's also about being on-trends and piggybacking on topical issues.