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What is the best time to advertise on the radio?

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 6:28 am
by babu5757
Anyone who works in marketing knows how important it is to use the right media to communicate with your target audience. For many companies, radio is an essential communication vehicle in their marketing strategies due to its reach and conversion capacity. But what is the best time to advertise on the radio? The answer is: It depends…

Setting the dates and times for airing your radio ads should be guided by three main requirements.

Three key questions for advertising on radio at the best time
Does the broadcaster match your persona's profile?
Working with data is essential to define assertive actions.

Each radio station has a predominant musical profile australia phone number for whatsapp so what kind of music does your persona listen to? Do the stations in your campaign match this musical profile? The answer to these questions is one of the main guidelines for determining not only the time slot but also the format of the spot .

Perhaps for the persona you want to reach, it would be more interesting to work with sponsorships, flash text... For example, if it is an ad during a music program, would it be interesting to use a jingle to impact the immersion of this selection of songs? Using this data is essential for developing your company's communication strategy.


What times are your competitors investing in radio?
You have selected the radio stations that make the most sense for your persona. Now you also need to observe how your competitors are acting. Competitive shock may be interfering with your message, because once the audience hears two offers from two different companies, one after the other, neither you nor your persona will be able to understand which one was the best promotion.

Competitive shock may confuse the message, since no one stops everything they are doing just to listen to the radio; on the contrary, they perform several activities while listening. Therefore, in addition to worrying about all segmentations, you need to make sure that your message captures the attention of the listeners. We have prepared a material just on how you can work creatively with your radio ads ; it is also important to take a look after reading it.

Are the ads being aired at the contracted time?
Media checking is a super important step for the success of your campaign. You’ve done all the planning, created all the spots, used the data to define the best time… but what about the execution of this planning?

Audiency, which has a complete media checking system, conducted a survey with its clients and confirmed that they all lose at least 10% of their investment in non-aired insertions.

This happens not because the broadcaster does not want to broadcast its material, but because of possible logistical problems during the process. Let's look at an example: the advertiser creates the campaign, the audio material and distributes it to more than 30 broadcasters via email or WhatsApp. What guarantee does the advertiser have that the material was received and downloaded by each of these broadcasters? Now, let's assume that the material has been received and entered the programming schedule. How can we know if it was broadcast on the right day, at the right time or if, for some reason, it was not aired?

Therefore, managing distribution, monitoring and checking processes is important to provide greater security regarding the performance of your radio campaign.

How to manage radio campaigns
Audiency works to facilitate these processes and deliver more transparency and assertiveness in your radio campaigns. We want to make a difference for advertisers and radio stations through the use of technology, which is why we have developed a platform where we act as an operational arm, distributing, monitoring, checking and recovering your lost material, and also being the database for your campaign strategies.

Finding the best time to advertise on the radio is easy with Audiency. We monitor more than 6,000 stations in Brazil and 18 other countries to provide essential information for your strategy. Learn which stations are in a region and their musical profile, find out if there is a competing spot right after yours and, of course, carry out the entire logistics process of distribution and monitoring of the campaign. All of this in an easy way and deliver a greater financial return for your company.

Do you have an active radio campaign or want to measure the performance of a previous campaign? Click on the banner to request a free diagnosis of your radio campaign.