I challenge you – tell me in a single

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I challenge you – tell me in a single

Post by rakibhasanbd4723 »

sentence what you want to achieve with your business 10+ years from now and make me want to stand up everyday in the morning and join you on the journey to make it a reality. There it is – your vision.

Think big. It’s truly important to be able to share your vision with others. If you’re willing to build a digital product, you are about to do something highly innovative and complex, which germany business email database will require the cooperation of many different people. The better they understand and are inspired by what you want to achieve in the long run, the better they will be able to support you with your dream.

A good exercise to get to the actual business vision is to ask why you are doing what you’re doing. Answer it and ask another “why” as many times as you need to get to the “in order to positively impact the world” answer. Now step back to the answer before and there you will have it. The “how” your business and your product will bring about a positive change and meaning.


If you’re still unsure what your ultimate purpose is, try to get inspired with the powerful examples of other companies’ visions:

Microsoft: “A computer on every desk and in every home.”
Space-X “Enabling people to live on other planets.”
Feels like a good motivation engine, doesn’t it?

Business Goal – How to make a vision a reality?
Having your big dream explained as a vision, you can now specify a business strategy describing how the company plans to achieve it, while providing value to customers, employees and stakeholders.
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