Inclusion and diversity: How to use the right language?

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Inclusion and diversity: How to use the right language?

Post by Bappy11 »

A person with a disability is someone who, having one or more physical or mental deficiencies, whether due to a psychic, intellectual or sensory cause, of a temporary or permanent nature, sees his or her full and effective participation in society impeded or restricted on an equal basis with others when interacting with various barriers present in the environment, according to Law 20,422 .

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) , more than one billion people in the world have some form of disability. Of these, almost 200 million live with significant difficulties in their daily functioning, with a 15% increase in the prevalence of disability worldwide.

Chile is not exempt from this reality. According to figures from the National Study on Disability phone number in philippines , there are 2,606,914 people with disabilities, equivalent to 20% of the total population of the country. Of these, 8.3% have severe disabilities (extreme difficulty or impossibility to carry out daily activities or who frequently receive help).

These data make us reflect and encourage us to think about how to build a more inclusive world in which we all have a dignified and quality life . Even more so considering that, according to WHO data, disability will be a cause of greater concern for society.


It is worth noting that people with disabilities have a lower participation in economic activity. As a result, poverty rates are higher than for people without disabilities. These difficulties are exacerbated in less-privileged communities.

Faced with this challenge of promoting full inclusion and diversity in our country, it is essential to create efficient policies and programs that improve the lives of people with disabilities and facilitate the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities .

On this occasion we want to give some simple, yet complex advice to move towards a more inclusive society. We are convinced that to become an inclusive society we need to start with oneself , as Mahatma Gandhi says: “If you want to change the world, change yourself.”

These tips relate to the use of language to promote inclusion, since our words and our way of speaking are fundamental to representing who we are, what we want and what we believe, as well as to educating and creating an environment of greater justice.
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