Maximize Revenue From Your Corporate Golf Events This Season with Lightspeed Golf

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Maximize Revenue From Your Corporate Golf Events This Season with Lightspeed Golf

Post by shahriya699 »

Getting through the worst of COVID-19 has been a challenge. From isolation to economic instability, few people were safe from the pandemic that swept the world, but take heart, things are looking up. While we’re not completely out of the woods yet, we’re seeing restrictions being lifted in some areas and gatherings are a thing of the past!

That means tournaments are back ! To help you get back into the swing of things, we thought we’d share some ideas on how Lightspeed Golf can help you host a memorable event that will earn you the revenue you deserve.

Fast mobile check-in
Corporate events, like all types of events, come with chaotic waves of attendees arriving at the same time. If your staff isn’t able to properly manage this tide of excited golfers, it can seriously impact the tournament experience you’re able to deliver. Additionally, your golf shop may not be set up to accommodate dozens of people waiting in line to check in. So how do you avoid this problem? Two words: mobile check-in.

With Lightspeed Golf, you can easily host check-ins outside near bag taiwan contact number drop using an iPad. As you know, there’s a lot more space outside than in your pro shop, so no matter how many golfers are waiting in line to check in, you’ll have plenty of space. You can even turn your iPad into a self-check-in kiosk to give your players the ability to check in themselves.

An outdoor facility also allows you to be more accessible to golfers and answer any questions they may have or have a quick chat about that amazing course you played last week. The main benefit, however, is that you’ll be able to process golfers at a much faster pace, giving your customers more time to explore your facility. With all that free time, golfers are much more likely to make a purchase at your shop or restaurant, which brings us to our next point: setting up a pop-up store.

Pop-up store
One of the many benefits of Lightspeed’s cloud technology is that you can take it anywhere you go. You can easily set up a pop-up shop right next to your outdoor check-in station and showcase all of your best-selling merchandise. By placing your shop equipment right in front of golfers waiting to tee off, you’ll dramatically increase your chances of making a sale. With Lightspeed Payments , which is fully integrated with the Lightspeed platform, you can also make contactless payments with the tap* mobile terminal . Don’t waste valuable time counting money and reconciling statements—your energy is always better spent ensuring you’re providing excellent customer service.

*Contactless terminals are only available in the United States.


Google Advertising Sales
Something tells us you’re going to be offering special promotions on pro shop items during your tournament to entice golfers to make purchases, and with a tee sheet full, it would be foolish not to. However, here’s a thought for you: why limit yourself to players who are in your facility?

With Lightspeed’s Google Local Inventory Ads (LIA) integration , you can effortlessly increase foot traffic by showcasing your online specials to local shoppers looking to gear up. You don’t even need to set up an eCommerce store. Google LIA integration allows you to promote all of your deals and products right from your point of sale. By creating this additional channel, you’ll not only increase your chances of selling, but you’ll also give your amazing tournament additional exposure by reaching golfers who may not be familiar with your course.
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