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Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:59 am
by rochon.a111.9
Photos Disappear From Facebook Link Previews
As per the European directive, the new decree on copyright has also come into force in Italy .

This affects the way news outlets publish content on social media, leading to the disappearance of links shared on Facebook.

It is clear that it will not be like this forever. We must wait russia whatsapp number for Agcom to establish an ad hoc regulation, with fair compensation for publishers, so that everything can return to how it was before.


TikTok News
TikTok Adds Repost Button
In the United States, several TikTok users have started to see a repost button that allows them to reshare other users' videos on their feed, obviously adding a personal comment. In short, nothing new compared to the resharing that we already know on Facebook and other social platforms.

The test hasn't been officially confirmed yet, but such a feature would allow content to gain more reach through organic user sharing. Another very interesting move by TikTok to support creators on its platform, so as to attract more and more.