Examples of questions for a French Days quiz

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Examples of questions for a French Days quiz

Post by moniyamukta16 »

Quiz contests are generally very popular because they have a fun side that appeals to participants, while allowing you to promote your brand, products or services . In connection with the French Days, imagine a questionnaire covering the news around this shopping event, questions about your current promotions, or even about Made in usa phone list France. Participants will have to answer all the questions correctly to be eligible for the final draw.

How many days are the French Days?
How much is the discount on our featured product during this promotional campaign?
In which year were the first French Days launched?
SPREAD allows you to organize your animation easily thanks to its preconfigured marketing operations that you can launch and manage easily from the SPREAD back office. Your quiz is fully customizable. Decide on the theme, design, custom fields, duration, rewards. You can also accompany your media questions that will give clues or give context to your quiz!

Gouiran Beauty Quiz


The creative competition in the colors of the French Days
Calling on the creativity of Internet users can be very profitable when it comes to promoting your brand or products. So offer a creative contest around the theme of French Days and invite participants to submit a creation: photo, video, drawing, text... The creation can feature your products, the universe of your brand or even Made in France. The works will then be submitted to votes by Internet users, and the most appreciated will win prizes specific to this commercial period.
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