LinkedIn Ads is the advertising platform for the professional social network LinkedIn . Its interface is very similar to other platforms, such as Facebook Ads, and it also works in a self-service format. That is, you can choose the type of advertising and the payment method.
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This LinkedIn advertising tool allows companies to publish ads specifically targeted to the type of professional audience they are interested in and in accordance with their business objectives.
In this way, the professional recruitment network opens an advertising window for companies to find exactly the target audience they are looking for.

These are advertisements made through the LinkedIn social network. These ads are aimed at a specific type of professional audience.
What does this mean? Well, through LinkedIn Ads you can post ads for specific professions , such as: editor, graphic designer, manager, or any other type of professional profile.
Ads can also be filtered according to the location of the prospects (country, region), making it easier to find professionals and generating favorable results for your company, as it gives you the opportunity to get more leads.
[Tweet “LinkedIn makes it easier to optimize your search for professionals, generating favorable results for your company”]
How It Works
When you create an ad campaign on LinkedIn, you can choose the type of ad you want to share, depending on your business goals. For example, building awareness of your brand or collecting contact information for potential customers.
You can also define who your ad is aimed at, based on specific characteristics such as:
Job title or function
Academic disciplines
Years of experience, etc.
Once you define and select your target audience, you need to establish how much you are willing to invest in your campaign.
[Tweet “In LinkedIn Ads you can bid per click or per impression”].
Now, if your characteristics match those of the target audience you selected for your campaign, you are very likely to see your own ad.
Let's see an example:
If you want to send information about your company to professionals with 5-10 years of experience in the technology field, to increase your visibility, post sponsored content in the LinkedIn activity feed of relevant members. This action is a great way to share information about your company.